At the heart of Fingerprints, short art documentary film by Helmie Stil lies this question: What do a person’s hands...
In Strangers, thriller short film by Erik Lehmann, a man awakes to find himself locked up in his barricaded apartment....
Being Thomas by Mario Mattei is truly a remarkable short film. It narrates the story of a troubled kid who...
Attic Panic is a fun to watch horror short film by David F. Sandberg with a fun plot: In the...
If you have heart problems, Micro Horror Film “Balcony” by Chris Cronin is not for you. There is only so...
“Mary’s Descent” By Jericho Rock-Archer, is a clever short film from a New Zealand-based crew and narrates the story of...
In New York City, doing graffiti on the walls or public places is generally considered a crime and NYPD, in...
Ice Cream is a short film written, directed & produced by Nicholas Payne Santos. This fun story has received critical...
Midnight Walk, the neo-noir short film by Mathilde Nocquet, proves that a talented director can take a dark or absurd...
Gregg Holtgrewe, the director behind Minnesota Nice, was born in Moorhead, MN. He has been making movies since the age...