Susan M. Boyer is a new talented voice in the sub-genre of cozy mysteries. Susan’s short fiction has appeared in...
Frances Brody is a pseudonym for Frances McNeil, scriptwriter, playwright, author of four novels and winner of the Elizabeth Elgin...
Of Hoaxes And Homicide is the second installment in the Dear Miss Hermione mystery series from Anastasia Hastings and just...
Phantom Angel is the first book we read from the Edgar winner David Handler and wow! what a book…we really enjoyed...
As a journalist, Betty Webb interviewed U.S. presidents, astronauts who walked on the moon, and Nobel Prize-winners, as well as...
Cozy mysteries remain a popular sub-genre within mystery and suspense space and die-hard fans know all about best books, who...
Mignon F. Ballard is the author of several mysteries including a series featuring revered first grade teacher, Miss Dimple Kilpatrick, during...
A Death in Summer is one of the notable novels of William John Banville, who writes as John Banville and...
Authors Jennifer J. Chow and J.B. Stevens discuss the opening for Chow’s mystery novel “Death By Bubble Tea”. The First...
We’re so excited to bring you a new edition of best new and noteworthy cozy mystery novels for November 2022:...