Prodigal Son, the new Orphan X novel by Gregg Hurwitz, is an adrenaline-packed story which will appeal to those readers...
As a journalist, Betty Webb interviewed U.S. presidents, astronauts who walked on the moon, and Nobel Prize-winners, as well as...
New York Times bestselling author Paige Shelton is taking a bold step away from the comfort of cozy mystery to...
A Bad Day For Sunshine, the brand-new snarky and wickedly fun Sunshine Vicram series debut by Darynda Jones, is an...
The Golden Gate, the debut historical mystery by Amy Chua, is a riveting story which weaves bits and pieces of...
From Dervla McTiernan, the author of The Ruin, The Scholar is a compulsive new crime thriller set in the competitive,...
Our February 2024 list of best crime, mystery and thriller books includes highly-anticipated titles such as The Price You Pay...
Viral by James Lilliefors is probably one of the most refreshing thrillers we reviewed this year. Planning to be released by...
Before I Go to Sleep, the first novel by S. J. Watson, is probably one of the best reads from...
Our July 2023 list of best crime, mystery and thriller books includes highly-anticipated titles such as Sleepless City by Reed...