In the summer of 1971, the New York’s Attica State Prison is a symbol of everything broken in America –...
After about 30 years in San Diego, the American cartoonist and illustrator Rick Geary and his wife decided to move to...
The Last Contract, the Canadian noir graphic novel written by Ed Brisson and illustrated by Lisandro Estherren, can be a...
Dark Rage, the newly released crime graphic novel by Thierry Smolderen, is an intense thriller which follows the merciless quest...
Acclaimed author and visual artist Cynthia von Buhler (Minky Woodcock: The Girl Who Handcuffed Houdini) has a new graphic novel...
Our collection of best martial arts themed comic books and graphic novels for this year has a great mix of...
The titles in our new list of best crime, drama and thriller graphic novels featuring black voices and lead characters...
Our collection of best military themed comic books and graphic novels for this year has a great mix of old...
Our list of best crime, mystery and thriller comics and graphic novels for the March 2022 includes highly-anticipated titles such...
Abbott is one of those crime graphic novels which only come around once in a while: Hugo Award-nominated novelist Saladin...