In Hot and Tasty, the crime short film directed by Laura Jayne Hodkin, two drunk friends accidentally walk into a...
“Mary’s Descent” By Jericho Rock-Archer, is a clever short film from a New Zealand-based crew and narrates the story of...
SLR, the thriller short film by Stephen Fingleton, is a tense drama showcasing some slick production values and captivating performances....
19-year old Australian director Peter Danks is a star in the making. With a strong sense of story and a...
In crime thriller short film “Counting to 1000”, director Josh Pfaff is examining the idea that good and evil is...
Geist, the thriller short film by Alex Sherwood, Ben Harper and Sean Mullen, is not only visually stunning, but its...
Wandering Soul, a horror short film by Josh Tanner, has a great ghost story set during the Vietnam War that...
Being Thomas by Mario Mattei is truly a remarkable short film. It narrates the story of a troubled kid who...
In Itsy Bitsy Spiders, suspense short film by Bertrand Paré, Edwin has a dark obsession with drawing spiders. His mother does...
Therapy, psychological thriller short film by Spanish director Marc Nadal, is a great case study in how solid suspenseful plots...