Hendrik Kühn’s debut novel will be coming out in January 2020 by Luzifer Verlag. He has studied sociology, lives with...
Robert Baylot, author of The One, has published short fiction in Mysterical E, Every Day Fiction, and The Blue Moon...
Nikhil Iyengar has lived and worked in Asia, Europe and the US. His science-fiction short film ‘Borrowed Time’ (Writer/Director) was...
Terry Sanville, author of Just The Facts, has published short fiction in more than 450 print and online publications, including...
Mary Jo Robertiello, author of “Patty’s At It Again”, has published short stories in in the Level Best Books 2021...
Professor of Humanities, Paul Kindlon has previously published 10 short stories, 9 poems, 30 polemics, a brief Memoir and a...
David Connor, author of An Unknown Man, has received honorable mentions from Glimmer Train and Allegory Magazine. His work has...
Carl Bluesy, author of “Who They Sacrifice”, has published short fiction in Creepy Pod, The Yard: Crime Blog, Schlock Webzine,...
Kristen Ray, author of “Feed The Birds”, has previously published short fiction in literary journals including The Ocotillo Review, Typehouse...
Short fiction by Alex Z. Salinas has appeared in Every Day Fiction, Zero Flash, 101 Words and Mystery Tribune (see Wrong...