The Murder of Andrew Johnson is the third installment in the John Hay historical thriller series from award-winning political journalist...
The Golden Gate, the debut historical mystery by Amy Chua, is a riveting story which weaves bits and pieces of...
Author Scott Adlerberg takes a closer look at the new suspense thriller “The Puzzle Master” By Danielle Trussoni. Her fourth...
Lay This Body Down, the new installment of Gideon Stoltz mystery series by Charles Fergus, is a great thriller with...
Authors J.B. Stevens and Sulari Gentill discuss the opening for historical thriller The Woman In The Library. The First Line is...
From debut novelist Harini Nagendra comes The Bangalore Detectives Club, the first in a charming cozy crime series set in...
The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles is the “Book of the Day” for April 1, 2022. Mystery Tribune’s “Book of...
Beat The Devils by Josh Weiss is the “Book of the Day” for March 18, 2022. Mystery Tribune’s “Book of...
This spring, author Brian Lebeau will release his debut novel, “A Disturbing Nature” (May 10, 2022), a psychological thriller, set...
Nev March won Mystery Writers of America / Minotaur Books First Novel Award with Murder In Old Bombay, an intriguing...