Of Hoaxes And Homicide is the second installment in the Dear Miss Hermione mystery series from Anastasia Hastings and just...
Everyone on This Train Is a Suspect, the new locked room mystery from bestselling author Benjamin Stevenson is a fun...
The Mysterious Case of the Alperton Angels by Janice Hallett is a smart and fast-paced cozy mystery and a highly...
Murder Under A Red Moon, the latest novel in the acclaimed Bangalore Detectives Club series, finds amateur sleuth Kaveri Murthy...
We enjoyed the cozy mystery series debut “Of Manners and Murder” by Anastasia Hastings and loved her new delightful Miss...
We’re so excited to bring you a new edition of best new and noteworthy cozy mystery novels for November 2022:...
The new Chief Inspector Gamache mystery “A World of Curiosities” by New York Times bestseller Louise Penny is a recent...
We just revisited the “Murder She Wrote” book series as Angela Lansbury, Star of “Murder, She Wrote” recently died at...
Authors Jennifer J. Chow and J.B. Stevens discuss the opening for Chow’s mystery novel “Death By Bubble Tea”. The First...
Donna Andrews is one the most familiar names in cozy mystery space and certainly a towering figure in the Mystery...