Zenith Man By McCracken Poston Jr. is a true crime book but the events described seems more like a John...
Of Hoaxes And Homicide is the second installment in the Dear Miss Hermione mystery series from Anastasia Hastings and just...
Everyone on This Train Is a Suspect, the new locked room mystery from bestselling author Benjamin Stevenson is a fun...
Alexis Soloski, author of “Here In The Dark”, is a veteran of journalism industry and for years has written for...
Steve Urszenyi, author of Perfect Shot, served for many years as a paramedic in Toronto and a tactical medic with...
The Mysterious Case of the Alperton Angels by Janice Hallett is a smart and fast-paced cozy mystery and a highly...
Looking for good mystery novels? We recently revisited our recent pile of review copies we’d received and came across some...
If you’re into suburban suspense novel, a notable upcoming title we encourage you to check out is Who To Believe...
The Murder of Andrew Johnson is the third installment in the John Hay historical thriller series from award-winning political journalist...
The Golden Gate, the debut historical mystery by Amy Chua, is a riveting story which weaves bits and pieces of...