Ron Capshaw takes a closer look at The Blood Ogre: The Hellish Menace Beneath the House Doc Savage Built (The...
In “Richie Brockelman And His American Dream”, Dale Davis discusses Richie Brockelman, the young private eye who appeared as a...
Authors J.B. Stevens and Christopher McGinley discuss the opening for his historical crime novel Once These Hills. The First Line is...
Authors J.B. Stevens and Coy Hall discuss the opening for Coy’s historical mystery novel The Promise of Plague Wolves. The...
Author Scott Adlerberg takes a closer look at The Stolen Coast, the new novel by Dwyer Murphy. I love novels...
Authors J.B. Stevens and Martin Ott discuss the opening for Ott’s new crime novel Shadow Dance. The First Line is a...
Jussi Adler-Olsen’s latest novel, ‘The Scarred Woman’, is a gripping addition to his Department Q series (the 7th installment in...
The Valhalla Murders is a captivating crime series on Netflix that has piqued the interest of viewers worldwide. The show...
Crime movies have always been a popular genre among film enthusiasts, with their gripping storylines and thrilling action sequences. However,...
The state of Colorado has seen its fair share of serial killers who have left a trail of terror and...