In crime short film “The Judge” by Natasha Kinaru, a man finds himself in an interrogation room being questioned by...
Doughnut, as the directors Larry Ketang and Liam White put it, is a darkly comedic short film about the power...
In Itsy Bitsy Spiders, suspense short film by Bertrand Paré, Edwin has a dark obsession with drawing spiders. His mother does...
We really enjoyed Manhunt, the new sci fi thriller short film and highly recommend you check it out too: this...
In Modern Gangster, suspense short film directed by Sam Brown, a delivery boy for the Pesaro crime family is tempted...
Frank’s Lament by director Adil Ansari is a 2+ minute noir film centering around a moment of life or death....
Together is a short horror film, directed by Max Balter, about solitude and anxiety during self-isolation caused with COVID-19 quarantine...
In Strangers, thriller short film by Erik Lehmann, a man awakes to find himself locked up in his barricaded apartment....
In Family Portrait, short thriller film directed by Jack De La Mare, Michael is determined to reconnect with his wife...
We really loved Stairs, a suspenseful short film by Jeph Porter, because the director has done a great job of...