The latest installment in M.A. Lawson’s thrilling Kay Hamilton thriller series, K Street is finally here. Gripping, cinematic, and very entertaining,...
In Silent Rain, the fourth installment of Macy Greeley series, Karin Salvalaggio brings back a character from her complex and...
San Antonio novelist Nancy G. West delivers a tantalizing tale of murder, mystery and mischief in River City Dead. Set against...
Unsub, the new serial killer novel by Meg Gardiner, will surely delight the fans of fast-paced thrillers. Gardiner’s plots are...
The Last Place You Look is not the first mystery venture by Kristen Lepionka. Her (short story) writing has been selected...
Books centered around strong female leads are generally trending when it comes to thriller and mystery plots. Among the hot...
New York Times bestseller Christina Dodd writes “Edge-of-the-seat suspense” (Iris Johansen) and her books have been called “Scary, sexy, and...
If you’re looking for a delightful new cozy mystery, Three Shots To The Wind, the newest release by Agatha Award-nominated...
Charles Ardai, founder and editor of Hard Case Crime and the author of several crime novels, has published a number of comics...
With Local Gone Missing, internationally bestselling author Fiona Barton has taken a pivot with her writing from previous novels, featuring...