Nick Kolakowski takes a closer look at two mystery titles: The newly released The Liar’s Room by Simon Lelic and the...
Author, editor, and Mystery Tribune contributor Erica Wight shares her intriguing, and somewhat creepy, experience of visiting The Mütter Museum...
There’s a peculiar strain of crime fiction that deals less with the mechanisms of crime and more of its very...
When I was a teenager, I read a lot of serial killer literature. In the 1990s, such novels dominated the...
Robert Fieseler, author of Tinderbox: The Untold Story of the Up Stairs Lounge Fire and the Rise of Gay Liberation, provides...
While perusing the web the other day, I stumbled upon the trailer for a new Netflix film, “The Highwaymen.” It...
In the vein of Allison Brennan, Between The Lies by Michelle Adams is an addictive psychological thriller with twists that...
On My Block didn’t make much of a splash when Netflix released the show’s first season last year. Considering the...
Decades ago, there was an Italian restaurant in my hometown whose interior abounded with vintage movie posters. The place specialized...
Early Riser, the new novel by Jasper Fforde, was made, set, and inspired in Wales, and was published in the...