With a notable effort in putting the made-for-TV mystery movie genre back on the screen, TNT has started a new...
Sylvester Stallone will be playing a role in an upcoming movie titled Bullet to the Head, which is the adaptation...
After a quick look at the new mystery and crime releases in January 2012, we picked titles as the best...
This week we have some interesting pieces of news for you from around the world: From best selling books in...
Let’s talk Detective Fiction. There were usual suspects in the beginning: Wilkie Collins’s The Moonstone, published in 1868, and Emile...
This week’s Scandinavian Crime Best Seller List has not changed at all compared to last week: Stieg Larsson’s books are...
Rumors always existed in the blogsphere and the media that after Harry Potter series, JK Rowling is going to write...
Partners and Crime, is a new book released by investigative journalist Rochelle Jackson bringing to life the real story of...
Prologue Books is launching the release of about 150 vintage crime titles which are currently out of print in the...
Harry Bosch has been probably the most interesting character of Michael Connelly’s books in the last 20 years. And his...