New installments of some of the best crime and noir comics series in recent years are coming up for release...
After about 30 years in San Diego, the American cartoonist and illustrator Rick Geary and his wife decided to move to...
To celebrate the centenary year of Mickey Spillane, Titan Comics is releasing a new Mike Hammer comics series, based on a story...
Arne Jysch is the name behind texts and illustrations of Babylon Berlin, the Hard Case Crime graphic novel adaptation of the...
A new addition to rather small family of crime/noir graphic novels released this year is Normandy Gold: The story is...
No man is an island – except for Tyler Cross. A criminal for hire, he’s the best at what he...
Fans of Mickey Spillane’s tough-talking, brawling, skirt-chasing private detective Mike Hammer will be delighted with The Night I Died, thanks...
Some of best crime comics of the year are being released this year, in a wide spectrum ranging from action...
Dollman Kills the Full Moon Universe is a new six-issue miniseries written by Shawn Gabborin (Puppet Master) and Brockton McKinney...
Dept. H is, in our view, one of the most notable crime graphic novel series of the past few years....