Dark Noir, a co-created animated short film by Rafael Grampa, Absolut and Facebook fans worldwide, is a great example of...
19-year old Australian director Peter Danks is a star in the making. With a strong sense of story and a...
“The Keeper” is a dark comedy thriller directed by James Chappell which narrates the story of a rich playboy who...
Swift is a fun thriller short film from New York-based young directors Yebin Ahn, Hae Deun Woo, And Byeori Kim...
Therapy, psychological thriller short film by Spanish director Marc Nadal, is a great case study in how solid suspenseful plots...
“Mary’s Descent” By Jericho Rock-Archer, is a clever short film from a New Zealand-based crew and narrates the story of...
Midnight Walk, the neo-noir short film by Mathilde Nocquet, proves that a talented director can take a dark or absurd...
If you have heart problems, Micro Horror Film “Balcony” by Chris Cronin is not for you. There is only so...
Bad Timing, a short film by Tori Savage, is a thriller with a strong focus on a sense of anticipation...
Being Thomas by Mario Mattei is truly a remarkable short film. It narrates the story of a troubled kid who...