Her alarm was set as usual at 7 AM, but Nora awoke earlier that October morning when Fluffy – a...
Michael Carter has previously published short fiction at The Molotov Cocktail, Scrutiny Journal and Coffin Bell Journal. He grew up in...
Short fiction by Tom Gumbert has appeared in Riggwelter, Figroot, Porridge Magazine, and formercactus. He lives with his wife Andrea in...
Aeryn Rudel is a writer from Seattle, Washington. He is the author of the Acts of War novels by Privateer...
Andrey Pissantchev has previously published short fiction in Grotesque Quarterly Magazine and Valley Press, among others. He lives in Leeds,...
Stories by Chris Milam have appeared in Lost Balloon, Jellyfish Review, and elsewhere. He was nominated for Best Small Fictions...
In Instinct, a flash fiction piece by Philip Berry, the survivor of a school shooting recalls, vividly, the moment when...
John Stevens lives in the southeastern United States with his wife and daughter where he works for the U.S. Marshals...
Robert Petyo has published crime stories have appeared in small press magazines and on the web, most recently at Thrilling Detective...
Short fiction by Alex Z. Salinas has appeared in Every Day Fiction, Zero Flash, and 101 Words. He lives in San Antonio, TX....