The Darkness Gathers: A Novel is a 2011 release from Lisa Unger and tells the story of the true crime...
Sleepwalker by Karen Robards is an interesting novel: The entire fast-paced thriller story happens only in the period of three...
John Rector, the author of Already Gone, is the is one of the up and coming names in thriller genre....
Duane Swierczynski is the author of several crime thrillers, including Severance Package which has been optioned by Lionsgate films. He...
Bryan Gruley is the author of two novels, the award-winning Starvation Lake and prize-nominated The Hanging Tree. He is a...
Private: #1 Suspect, is the latest release from the bestselling author of mainstream thrillers James Patterson and his co-author Maxine...
Angel Fire is another 2011 re-release from Lisa Unger (We recently reviewed her other novel The Darkness Gathers here). In...
London Boulevard is one of Ken Bruen’s relatively older novels originally published in 2001. It was the basis for a...
T. Jefferson Parker (born 1953) is an American novelist of police procedurals set in Southern California. Parker is the bestselling...
Neal Baer and Jonathan Greene are the duo behind the TV series “Law & Order” and their first novel, Kill...