Our July 2023 list of best crime, mystery and thriller books includes highly-anticipated titles such as Sleepless City by Reed...
Murder Under A Red Moon, the latest novel in the acclaimed Bangalore Detectives Club series, finds amateur sleuth Kaveri Murthy...
Lay This Body Down, the new installment of Gideon Stoltz mystery series by Charles Fergus, is a great thriller with...
In The Chateau by Jaclyn Goldis, a dream girls trip to a luxurious French chateau devolves into a deadly nightmare...
We recently started reading “Man on The Run”, the new novel by award-winning crime and thriller writer Charles Salzberg and...
“The Twyford Code”, the new suspense novel from Janice Hallett is a fun to read and complex suspense novel that...
We enjoyed the cozy mystery series debut “Of Manners and Murder” by Anastasia Hastings and loved her new delightful Miss...
Playing Dead is the second installment in Peggy Rothschild’s Molly Madison cozy mystery series (the debut title was A Deadly...
Welcome to our 2022 ultimate list of best crime, mystery and thriller books of the year including titles such as...
Red Queen by Juan Gomez-Jurado, in our view, is one of the most exciting new releases of 2023 in International...