Noir fiction is a genre that is known for its dark and moody tone, complex characters, and intricate plots. To...
Author Scott Adlerberg takes a closer look at the new suspense thriller “The Puzzle Master” By Danielle Trussoni. Her fourth...
The Willowbrook State School was a notorious public institution for the mentally disabled located in Staten Island, New York. It...
Ukraine Noir is a genre of film (and also literature) originating from Ukraine that incorporates elements of the crime and...
Crime poetry is a unique and powerful form of artistic expression. It allows writers to explore the grey areas of...
In “The Part That Ends”, J.P. HILL, Kevin Ernst’s nephew, examines his murder on the streets of Wailuku, in Maui...
Orrin Konheim takes a look at the life of Austrian immigrant Billy Wilder as a foreign correspondent in Berlin and...
Best-selling author Nev March reflects on the art of storytelling after binge-watching Breaking Bad TV series. As a writer I...
Fred Zackel, author of Santanas And the Fire Season, is a writer of fiction and non-fiction. Originally from Cleveland, Ohio,...
Author Lynn Slaughter lists eight of the best and most notable mystery novels that feature mother and daughters. Few relationships...