The newly-released ComiXology graphic novel (series) “Eden” is one of the most notable thriller comics we have read this year:...
Author Tobias Carroll takes a close look at Reckless, the new collaboration between crime comics artists Ed Brubaker and Sean...
Batman is probably the most beloved character in the DC Universe and the inspiration for amazing movies such as The...
Author Tobias Carroll takes a close look at two graphic novels “Catch & Release: A Murder Book Story” and “4...
Our list of best crime, mystery and thriller comics and graphic novels for the March 2022 includes highly-anticipated titles such...
The titles in our new list of best crime, drama and thriller graphic novels featuring black voices and lead characters...
Charles Ardai, founder and editor of Hard Case Crime and the author of several crime novels, has published a number of comics...
Gun Honey, the new 4-part comic book series launching in September 2021 by Charles Ardai, the Edgar and Shamus award winning...
Alex + Ada Written by, Sci Fi novel written by Jonathan Luna and Sarah Vaughn is a graphic novel for...
Abbott is one of those crime graphic novels which only come around once in a while: Hugo Award-nominated novelist Saladin...