Byron Eflock, author of “My Sweet Rose”, has previously published short fiction in TQR and Aphelion, among others. As Detective...
James H. Lewis, author of “The Grave Robber”, has written six novels, including the Chief Novak series. Lewis is a...
Dave Hoing, author of “Edward Deare”, is retired from the University of Northern Iowa, where he worked for 40 years....
Brian Rieselman, author of “The Wind-lashed House” is from Wisconsin. His published novels include “Where Darkness Sleeps” and “Dream Girl,”...
Simon S. Miller, author of “Murder In Lisbon”, holds an MFA in Creative Writing from National University. He has previously...
Margaret Karmazin, author of “The New Girl”, has previously published short fiction in various literary and SF magazines, including Rosebud,...
Mark Godfrey, author of “The Deal”, has previously published short fiction in The London Magazine and The Reader Magazine. Cinnamon...
Terna Abu, author of “Deja vu” is an award winning author who received the 2020 Association of Nigerian Authors, ANA,...
Richard Roth, author of “The Kawaii Pups” is a visual artist and a writer. His debut novel, “NoLab,” was published...
S.R. Bevilacqua, author of “Guns on The Roof”, is an emerging writer and a long-time resident of Venice, California. The...