Seared, The Journey of a Chef, is one of the most inspiring and touching short films we have seen in...
Ice Cream is a short film written, directed & produced by Nicholas Payne Santos. This fun story has received critical...
In Red Balloon, horror short film by Damien Macé and Alexis Wajsbrot, Dorothy, the little girl Julie is looking after,...
In Hot and Tasty, the crime short film directed by Laura Jayne Hodkin, two drunk friends accidentally walk into a...
In Awfully Deep, a dystopian short film by Daniel Florencio, a family lives a nice life in the suburbs until...
In “The Mystery of Pig City”, animated short film by Johnny Luu & Garth Jones, cats are being stolen by...
In New York City, doing graffiti on the walls or public places is generally considered a crime and NYPD, in...
Frank DanCoolo: Paranormal Drug Dealer, directed by Andrew W. Jones, is a screwball cyberpunk comedy, featuring a goofy blend of...
“Puppet” (the original French title is Pantin) is a genre-bending thriller by Guillaume Fradin and the dark tale of a...
Geist, the thriller short film by Alex Sherwood, Ben Harper and Sean Mullen, is not only visually stunning, but its...