Michael Myers is one of the most recognizable fictional characters among horror movie fans, thanks to the long-running Halloween series...
Swedish action thriller Black Crab, directed by Adam Berg, is coming to Netflix in March 2022, the streaming services company...
Robert Downey Jr., working with writer Shane Black, will star in a new Amazon Studios film based on Richard Stark’s...
The new adaptation of Agatha Christie’s “Death on the Nile” screened earlier this month starring Kenneth Branagh as Hercule Poirot...
Our 2022 edition of the best prison escape movies on Amazon features some of the most popular recent blockbusters such...
Scandinavian streaming service C More has announced that production is underway for its first Norwegian original, Headhunters, based on Huvudjägarna...
Welcome to our November 2021 comprehensive Review of the best new crime and thriller shows and movies that are coming...
Welcome to our September 2021 comprehensive Review of the best new crime and thriller movies that are coming to Netflix...
Welcome to our July 2021 comprehensive Review of the best new crime and thriller movies that are coming to Netflix...
Our 2021 list of best crime, drama and thriller movies on CineFest includes some of some of the now classic...