In The Art of Deception, USA Today bestselling author Leonard Goldberg returns with another puzzling case for the daughter of...
Who Speaks For The Damned by C. S. Harris is a smart and thrilling whodunit and a satisfying new installment...
Treachery by S.J. Parris is a new historical thriller featuring Giordano Bruno, heretic, philosopher, and spy, and a perfect pick...
Jessica Fellowes, author of NY Times best-selling Downton Abbey companion books, returns to historical mystery space with Bright Young Dead. Set...
Author P.T. Deutermann spent twenty-six years in military and government service, served for many years at sea as a Navy...
Oscar Wilde and the Return of Jack the Ripper by Gyles Brandreth brings together Oscar Wilde and Arthur Conan Doyle...
In An Artless Demise, Anna Lee Huber returns with another thrilling installment in her Lady Darby Mysteries (read our interview...
The Italian Party by Christina Lynch is a sneaky book – half glamorous fun, half an examination of America’s role in...
Abir Mukherjee brings back Captain Sam Wyndham and his quick-witted sergeant “Surrender-Not” Banerjee return in Smoke and Ashes, the third...
Hushed In Death, the third novel in the Inspector Lamb mystery series by Stephen Kelly, finds Lamb and his team...